It is time for us to start allocating plots here at Community Roots for the 2020 growing season. Below are three forms we ask all gardeners to fill out if you want to garden with us.
The garden is located at 1104 W. Gambier St., Mount Vernon, OH 43050
Plots are free (although we are a non-profit so of course donations welcome!)
Currently we have raised beds (4x8') if you would like or you are free to plant directly into the ground. A large group of volunteers assembled the bed frames back in October and we have been storing them until our new fence is installed.

We also have one wheelchair accessible raised bed at this time.
We were ready to install a fence around the garden area on March 28 with a big workday, which has been postponed indefinitely due to the public shutdowns occurring at this time. if you are interested in helping us with that, let us know on your application in the volunteering section! If the postponement delays the fence past the point at which we can start gardening, we will consider going ahead and laying out the raised beds for all gardeners ahead of the fence installation. Photos of the bed frames and the gardening field are below.
We have a selection of community garden tools (hand trowels, shovels, rakes, etc) and experienced gardeners who volunteer on site for gardeners to share. We also anticipate participating in our OSU Extension - Knox County Master Gardener Ask-An-Expert night this summer, where MG's will come to our garden and be on hand to give you specific expert advise!
If you are interested in a plot with us, just read and complete the forms below for some more specific information and we will keep you posted on garden workdays, opening day, etc.! You can also keep up with us at
Or let us know if you have any questions or trouble with these forms.
Gardener Application:
Community garden policies:
Liability Waiver: